Information in accordance with §5 German Act on Telemedia (TMG)
Neumann Gruppe GmbH
Coffee Plaza
Am Sandtorpark 4
20457 Hamburg
Represented by Board of Directors:
David M. Neumann | Justin Schulze-Smidt | Maren Uzarek
Responsible for contents in accordance with §55 (2)
German Interstate Agreement on Broadcasting (RStV)
Lena Tippel, NG Communications (address as above)
Phone.: +49 (0) 40 – 36123-0
Fax: +49 (40) 36123 400
Postal Address:
Neumann Gruppe GmbH
P.O. Box 11 06 29
20406 Hamburg
Value Added Tax (VAT) identification number
VAT identification number in accordance with §27a of the German VAT Act:
Commercial Register at register court (Amtsgericht) of Hamburg,
Register Number: HRB 66888
General Terms and Conditions of Use of This Website
Please visit this site regularly to stay informed about the current version of our general terms and conditions of use.
I. Applicability and Scope
The use of this website of the Neumann Gruppe GmbH (hereafter referred to as the “owner”) is subject exclusively to the terms and conditions entailed herein. The owner may expand, adapt and otherwise modify any part of these General terms and Conditions of Use at any time. By using this website, the user agrees to comply with the terms and conditions in the version currently valid at the time of use. Insofar as the user shall use the website in the course of a commercial or other business activity or for a public institution, Paragraph 312e I, No. 1 to 3 of the German Civil Code (“Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch”) shall not apply to such activity. Should any texts, images, files, software and any other contents of this website (hereafter referred to as “content”) intended for commercial enterprises or public institutions be used in the course of such activity, then the user shall be deemed to have acted in the name of such enterprise or institution, which shall be accountable for such actions.
II. Availability
The owner provides the contents of this website for viewing or downloading. The owner is entitled, at any time and without prior notice, to limit the accessibility or availability of the contents and to discontinue the website, in part or in its entirety. The owner makes no guarantee concerning the uninterrupted availability of the website.
III. Registration
The use of the contents of this website can be protected by login (access control), whereby access to certain content shall be granted only to registered users. The owner reserves the right to limit access to any content which had previously been unrestricted. Any user undertaking on-line registration agrees to provide truthful information and, in case of any changes to information provided, shall inform the owner of such change promptly and, in so far as possible, in on-line form. The user shall be accessible under the email address provided by him/her during the registration. The owner declines to perform registration for a user.
Following registration, the user will receive a username and password. The user will keep the username and password confidential and is responsible for all actions undertaken using the username and/or password. The user agrees to inform the owner of this website immediately upon learning of any misuse of the username and/or password by unauthorized third parties.
The owner is authorized to cancel the registration at any time, without prior notice or explanation. The user may, at any time, demand the cancellation of his/her registration, provided that this demand be in writing and provided further that the cancellation not affect contractual obligations valid at the time of cancellation. The owner shall, in the case of cancellation of a registration, delete all data pertaining to the user as soon as such data no longer are needed.
IV. Rights
The contents of this website may not be modified, copied, distributed, sold, leased or rented, used, edited or commercially used with the express, prior, written consent of the owner. Should be user supply concepts, ideas and suggestions via the website, the owner shall be allowed to develop, improve and deploy for marketing the products and services of the owner, without payment of royalties or fees to the user for such concepts, ideas and suggestions.
The owner grants to the user a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the contents of the website in such scope and manner as are consistent with the purpose evinced through the publication of the website by the owner. The contents or parts thereof may not be sold, leased or rented or otherwise transferred by the user to third parties. Except as explicitly provided for by law, the user is not allowed to change, edit to an earlier version or translate any content of the website or part thereof.
The contents and this website in their functions and individual layout are protected by copyright laws and international copyright contracts, and by further legal instruments and agreements regarding intellectual property. The user is obliged to observe these laws, contracts and provisions, notwithstanding which, Paragraphs 69 ff. of the German Civil Code shall remain in effect.
The user is entitled only to those rights here specified, specifically excluded are any rights or entitlements regarding the name and company of the owner and regarding commercial copyright and other laws regarding patents, petty patents or trademarks. The owner has no obligation to grant these or similar rights.
V. Duties
The user agrees not use this website to
- damage or defame persons
- violate generally accepted norms of behaviour
- infringe upon commercial copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property
rights - send, save or otherwise disseminate the following:
o viruses, including so-called Trojans and such other software as may cause
damages to other programs
o or other contents to which the user is not authorized, especially when such
hyperlinks or other contents are confidential or illegal
o such contents as contain advertisements or unsolicited emails (so-called
o such contents as contain false warnings concerning viruses, computer
malfunction and similar so-called “hoaxes”
o such contents as contain invitations to participate in lotteries, gambling,
snowball or chain letters, and other games and activities of chance,
deception or fraud.
VI. Websites Belonging to Third Parties
This website may include links to other, external websites. The owner assumes neither responsibility for nor endorsement of the contents or information present on such external, linked website(s). The use of such external links contained in this website and of the linked external websites is solely at the risk of the user.
VII. Liability
In so far as contents of this website are provided free of charge, liability for defects of quality and defects of title as they pertain to the contents is excluded, excepting in case of fraud or malicious intention. Any further liability of the owner is excluded, insofar as none of the following applies: violations of product liability laws, acts of malicious intent or gross negligence, damage to or endangerment of life, physical and medical wellbeing, assumption of a guarantee, fraudulent and/or deceitful concealment of defects, or other infringements of contracts. Any damages deriving from violations of contract rights shall notwithstanding be limited to such damages as are typical and inherent to the object of the contract, unless involving acts of malicious intent or gross negligence. The owner provides no guarantee regarding the absence of viruses on this website. Before downloading any contents, the user should, in his/her own interest, ensure that appropriate security and virus software are installed and in use on his/her computer. The above provisions do not adversely affect the burden of proof with regard to the rights of the user.
VIII. Further terms
Any further agreements must be in writing. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany are binding. The “Convention on the International Sale of Goods” is excluded. The place of management and responsibility of this website is that of the owner. The owner assumes no responsibility for any access or download of the contents of the website at any location outside the legal jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the case of access to this website by users from locations outside the legal jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany, such users shall be responsible for the legality of such access as defined and provided for by the laws of said locations. The use of the website is not permitted in countries where access to this website is illegal or where any content of this website may be considered illegal.
IX. Court and Place of Jurisdiction
The court and place of jurisdiction is Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany.