Changes in the Board of Management of Neumann Gruppe (NG), the holding company of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG): The green coffee service group is pleased to welcome Mr. Michael Bode as Director Group IT and Digitalization and newest member of the Executive Board (Geschäftsleitung) of Neumann Gruppe GmbH.
Mr. Michael Bode has been appointed Director Group IT and Digitalization with effect from September 1, 2023. As a new member of the Executive Board (Geschäftsleitung) of Neumann Gruppe GmbH. He joins Maren Uzarek, Philippe Cañadas and Ralf Lotze at this level.
In this role, Mr. Bode will assume overall responsibility for the group-wide IT and NKG’s digital transformation program, with the goal of accelerating the design and implementation of the new ERP offerings in cooperation with all NKG companies.
“Michael Bode will drive the group’s digital transformation as his main focus“, says David M. Neumann, Group CEO: “He brings more than two decades of expertise in international IT strategy and leadership, as well as large-scale business transformations. Under many aspects, digitalization is today very much core business – from reporting to our major efforts around corporate responsibility, business initiation and execution and in-group communication and coordination. We assure Mr. Bode of our full support and wish him an excellent start at NKG. His experience and energy will play a major role in bringing these important efforts forward.”
In his previous role at an international sporting goods company, Mr. Michael Bode led an IT excellence center for Distribution & Transportation delivering end-to end logistic solutions globally.
Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG) is a globally operating green coffee service group, focusing on coffee only. In more than 60 companies in 27 countries, more than 3,200 highly skilled employees are active in the sectors Export & Milling, Import, Farming, Agents & Representative Offices, and Services

Michael Bode, Director Group IT and Digitalization Neumann Gruppe GmbH
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